hope everyone had a fantastic christmas :) i say this every year, but i really can't believe how fast time has gone by. it really, really, feels only a few months ago that the previous christmas came & went.
i've been so busy this december that i've hardly updated this place. & the only other accomplishment i've had this month was finish reading nothing to envy, by barbara demick, which is an awesome book on north korea & the way life is led there. other than the cliche of how much it has inspired me to start being grateful of all the luxuries i enjoy in life, it's also such an eye-opener, of how different north korea is from the rest of the country and it's entirely amazing how time seems to stay still in that country. even if you aren't a big fan of non-fiction books, i highly urge you to check it out & read the first chapter. it'll draw you in before you even know it